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GIS Service

 We are working in cooperation with EarthRome Ltd. for GIS service. For more information please visit EarthRome Ltd website.


Benefits of GIS

GIS is a powerful visual decision-making software that is used in various sectors and businesses such as logistics, surveying, environmental, retail, energy, geology, and many more. It can show demographics, income level, education level, ethnicity, and/or age to determine cluster patterns of where various instances occur or are more likely to.

  • Direction Flow; the spread of catastrophes

  • Purchasing patterns

  • Traffic, Environmental, Migration patterns

  • Geological, Mining, Utilities, Electrical

  • Location, placement, suitability analysis

  • Find nearest objects & shortest paths, 3D Animation Flyover with LiDAR

  • Proposed routes & buffering, Alignment Sheets

  • Water Flow Direction, Watershed

  • Elevation, imagery, land use, parcel mapping, 3D, NDVI, Seismic, depicting change over time

  • Cut and Fill, calculations, contouring, reporting, zoning

 For just about anything that needs assessment, planning or evaluation, as long as it has a geographic location, GIS can be implemented. Using GIS allows various data layers to be linked based on their proximity to each other to possibly see unique characteristics that could determine behaviour patterns. Analysis can be derived using the statistical and analytical tools that are used in GIS software. It is then mapped allowing for a visual representation of the various data to allow for a better understanding of business questions that are difficult to answer.

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